Your home is your castle and should be the place where you feel the safest. People often make common mistakes which compromise your home security. Perth Locksmiths WA can ensure your security measures are kept up to date. Here are 4 things to avoid to keep your property secure.
Not Locking Up
When you leave your house generally you will make sure everywhere is locked up. However, when you are in the garden putting your washing out you are leaving your home vulnerable to intruders. You should keep your house locked up at all times and only unlock doors when it is necessary. Burglars commonly use the front door; however, any unlocked windows or doors provide a welcome. Be vigilant and get into the habit of locking up your windows and doors even when you are home. This will maximise your security and keep your family safe.
Publicising Your Absence
It’s not just your family or friends that see your updates on social media. By announcing on these sites that you are away somewhere you are unknowingly jeopardising your home security. Intruders could identify where you live and have the knowledge that you are away. This makes your house a potential target. Reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a robbery and avoid over sharing on social media.
Faking It
If you’re serious about your “Home Security”don’t use fake cameras or any other dummy measures. Burglars have seen it all before and they are likely to be able to tell the difference. There are so many options now with home security and you can have a set up that you can check on your phone no matter where you are. This is not only helpful for preventing intruders but can also alert you to fires or floods affecting your home. Knowing that equipment set up around your home is actually going to help with protecting your home is worth the investment as opposed to worthless dummy set ups.
Avoiding Regular Maintenance
If you’ve got security equipment this should be checked regularly whether you self-test or get a more thorough check through a professional. Get your locks checked over by a Perth Locksmiths 24/7 as they will advise you if they are providing adequate security. Older locks may need to be replaced to make it more difficult for burglars to gain access. If you’ve lost any keys or moved into a new home you might consider getting your locks rekeyed. An experienced will be able to provide advice on what you should do to ensure your locks are providing sufficient security.
To feel safe in your home you need to ensure you have security measures in place. Having locks on all your doors are useless if they’re not locked. Don’t advertise on social media that you are away as this gives burglars the perfect invitation. Fake security measures aren’t worth it as they are easily detected. Get your locks checked out by a locksmith to ensure they are doing their job. If you are looking for an experienced and highly skilled locksmith get in contact with Perth Locksmiths WA.